Saturday, May 7, 2016

Poracay Day 1

We never really have tons of family trips planned during summer vacation, but, I guess, this year's different. For this trip, we stayed in Poracay Resort in Pampanga for two days. I spent these days with my mom's side of the family.

My cousin and I spent the first day walking around and taking "instagram worthy" photos.
We found a lot of cute places around the resort so stay tuned for some more photos in the coming days.

We stayed in the resort overnight. The villas/houses were so cute and colorful! We actually stayed in a purple one, my fave color. hehe :)

I also got to try Korean ice cream. It was actually very good, despite its color.

Another thing I liked about the resort was, at night, they would have a film showing outside on the field. They'd put down mats for the people to sit on. It reminded me of something like a movie drive-in. They only play one movie per night. We watched Captain America when we were there.

Most photos were taken with the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.

We had a lot of fun! I'm surely going back there in the future.

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